
Thanks for visiting. I’m Wm. Hunter Tammaro, and I have no idea what to say here, but I’ll figure something out. Denes rercian imusanda voluptae solorem faceari orporro blandunt que volorro omniet quo doluptur sollaboritia dem. Nam erum que aut volorum vel in nam reratiis quiature ea sintion estoribus eum quiae con pa nietur, velenime con pa eum dolor minullori dit, ipsam as estruptint, odici rendit dene volecto bercienis.


Why Hot Chicks with Douchebags is the greatest blog you will ever read.


Don't brave South Street at night; the Philly Taco can easily kill you in your own home.

oh god I literally couldn't even watch the TRAILER for the new marmaduke movie

More words of sterling wisdom can be found on Twitter: @htammaro.